Production Team – The film is directed and produced by Ben Loeterman and Laura Longsworth.
Ben is an accomplished writer/director/producer of current affairs and historical documentaries, often with emphasis on social justice. After a nationwide screening tour, his first independent film, The People v. Leo Frank was broadcast nationally on PBS and received extraordinary reviews in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Washington Post. Ben’s previous work appeared on the first eighteen seasons of the PBS/FRONTLINE and includes three films for American Experience. He has won two national Emmys and two duPont-Columbia awards.
Laura’s career in documentaries spans more than a decade. She produced Golden Gate Bridge and Gold Rush, both for American Experience, as well as The People v. Leo Frank. Laura produced & directed her own independent documentary, Luckey, an intimate look at an artistic father and son duo coping with a devastating accident, which broadcast on Sundance Channel and won several film festival awards. She co-produced The Last Mountain, about the coal industry, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival 2011.